Our Daily Bread 593: Tony Jay, Semiwestern, Legless Crabs, Aoife Nessa Frances…

September 11, 2023



Aoife Nessa Frances ‘Fantasy’

‘Fantasy’ is a rather lovely thing indeed. A song of baroque darkness, this has a magical bewitching almost Beach Boys quality; a McCartney circa Ram quality I really like. Aoife Nessa Frances has a beautiful voice and is a fine songwriter, and ‘Fantasy’ is a fine song, which makes me want to hear more of the ladies quite wonderful music.

Neon Kittens ‘Sunburn On My Legs EP’
(Metal Postcard)

Just what this rain filled summer needs is a splash of post-punk sunshine from everybody’s favourite feline named act: the Neon Kittens. And of course the Neon Kittens do not disappoint. This three-track EP has all the sultry seedy glamour one expects from a Kittens release, all discordant guitars that have been wooed away from Bowie’s Scary Monsters album, offered the chance of a salacious dalliance with a younger and newer model, and will cast away all memories of the tat Bowie released in the eighties post Scary Monsters. Yes a three track EP that will not just put hairs on your chest but will also wax the parts that need waxing, leaving you all slinky and sexy for the sunbed that lies ahead.

Crystal Teardrop ‘By The River’
15th September 2023

The Crystal Teardrop‘s new single “By The River” is a bit of a psychedelic treat: all Bangles like harmonies and 1967 vibes. And could easily slip onto the Pandoras classic 1984 debut album Its About Time and no one would blink an eyelid. I love modern day psych when it is done well, and this is done very well indeed.

Juppe ‘Teardrops On Used Vinyl’

There is something slinky and slightly sleazy about this song, which I enjoy. It’s pop music after all, and pop music should have at least one of the following S’s:  slinkiness, sleaziness, sensuality and sprightliness. And this has two, maybe 3 of those. I can imagine being dressed like a Tiger and patrolling the house to this, which believe me can only be a good thing: like a young Elvis walking like a cat.

Charlie Kaplan ‘Gas Station Bathroom’

I have chosen to write about this track so obviously I like it, as I do not write about music that does not appeal, unless it is Oasis or post Syd Barrett Pink Floyd as they deserve all the public humiliation that can be heaped on them for their placid soggy lumpen pretence at rock ‘n’ roll. But this is not about them. This is about Charlie Kaplan and his rather lovely slice of Alt country; a slice from the same country pie Bob Dylan sang about on Nashville Skyline. But who cares, certainly not me. Anyway this is a rather fine single so give it a listen.

Novelistme ‘I Need New Music’

A song and subject matter that very much appeals to my good self, or bad self even – I am not as heavenly as I appear to be. Yes indeed, a rambunctious assault of melody that encapsulates all I love about indie/alternative guitar music: jerky, pointed, full of catchiness and charm. Novelistme are breath of fresh air in this current heatwave of smugness and ineptitude that currently resides in my email review pile. I indeed need new music like Novelistme. So please Jimmy can u fix for me to hear an album sometime [have I been cancelled yet?].


Legless Crabs ‘American Russ’
(Metal Postcard)

What if Joan Jett was telling lies and she did not love Rock ‘n’ roll at all, and she was just playing at it to make her millions, and really she loved nothing better than to listen to the old sequence dance compilations – the Swing And Sway series say – or was really a closet Pat Boone fan and preferred his version of Long Tall Sally and not in a ironic way, and did not believe in the old adage that the devil had all the best tunes (which to be truthful is not true, as Cliff Richards Jesus single was one of the finest singles of the 1970s). If Joan Jett was indeed a fake I am sure The Legless Crabs could and would turn the leather panted one to the dark side. And I don’t mean the Dark Side Of The Moon as that is as rock ‘n’ roll as a defrosted box of Fish Fingers. I mean the dark side of rock ‘n’ roll, the side filled with feedback and Cramps like guitar riffs and both sexual frustration and sexual exploitation (in a seedy 70s porn like way). See, that is what I like about the Legless Crabs, they are rock ‘n’ roll in a seedy 70s porn like way.

Tony Jay ‘Perfect Worlds’
(Slumberlands) 15th September 2023

If you go to San Francisco be sure to wear dead flowers in your hair, for San Franciscan Tony Jay’s Perfect Worlds is a lovely dark album of lo-fi songs of loneliness and rejection and heartbreak; an album that will appeal to those who love the music of Sparklehorse or early Jesus And Marychain in their quieter moments. And will appeal to those among us who love to wile away the hours watching the sun set from your bedroom window, as people pass by unaware that music of great beauty is happening just above their heads; that concealed behind the walls there are people writing listening, getting it on, soundtracking the sadness and gladness in their lives. Perfect Worlds is the perfect album to soundtrack a not so just perfect life.

Graham Parker ‘Last Chance To Learn The Twist’
(Big Stir Records)

I wonder how many reviews Graham Parker has had over the years. I bet it must run into the thousands. I wonder if he collects them in a scrapbook? But how in these day of online blogs does one collect them together. He must have to print them off on his printer and then stick them in his scrapbook. That is the question that he should be asked in one of the thousands of interviews Graham Parker must still do. Just how much does he spend on printer ink and paper, as we know the price of printer ink is ridiculously high. Maybe he has it in part of the deal he does with the record label, that they must supply ink for his printer to print off the reviews. And just how big must Graham Parkers house be to hold all these volumes of review scrapbooks; unless he keeps them in storage. The mind boggles. And in all these reviews he has received over the years I wonder how many are good reviews. I expect a good 90 per cent will be good as Graham Parker is a fine songwriter, has always has been and no doubt always will be. And I think Last Chance To Learn The Twist is his 25th album. And after 25 albums we all know what you get with a Graham Parker album; a good mixture of soul, rock, pop, blues and well written and performed songs. And Last Chance To Learn The Twist is certainly no different, and fans of the man will not be disappointed. As an aside note, my old friend John who was a mod had a Parka and he used to call his coat Graham…always amused me.

Semiwestern ‘Semiwestern’
(Spirit Goth/ AudioSport) 13th September 2023

I like this album, even though I was slightly disappointed when discovering that the band did not live up to their name and was not a band with country influences. I was there all sat with my tasseled jacket and Flying Burrito Brothers suit trying my best to restage the album cover of the In The Gilded Palace Of Sin  with my wife and two cats, and have you ever tried to dress a cat in Gilded Palace Sin suit, it is not easy believe me. But luckily my disappointment soon faded when the subtle My Bloody Valentine like grace of the opening track ‘I Never Mean What I Say’ started to drift from my laptop speakers. And the on further listen throughs, the following tracks took me on an alternative music journey; a journey that took in the sights and sounds of Granddaddy and The Cure and Ride and the sort of music you would hear from an American alt radio station in the early noughties. But sadly not a yee haw or round ‘em up partner, but one can not have everything.

rOZZ ‘United’
(Nub Music)

This is an enjoyable album. It has all the things I like about DIY music; it has a looseness, a poetic charm, a melancholy a fragility, and at times it sounds like it’s going to all come crashing down to floor in a paperweight frenzy of artistic endeavor.

rOZZ is an artist who I feel makes music because she has a burning need to. Not because it will make her look cool and be featured in a music blog. It has simply strummed guitars and an easy to play keyboards style, plus she has a quite lovely voice  – like a Belgian Cerys Matthews -, and the songs have beautiful melodies. On the whole, this is a quite beautiful album. 

One Response to “Our Daily Bread 593: Tony Jay, Semiwestern, Legless Crabs, Aoife Nessa Frances…”

  1. […] Legless Crabs ‘American Russ’ (Metal Postcard Records)Chosen by Brain Bordello Shea/Reviewed by BBS/Link […]

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